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Many young learners lack the listening and comprehension skills necessary to succeed.

HearBuilder is focused on teaching students, especially developmentally delayed and/or struggling PreK-8 students, the necessary listening skills and ability to comprehend and retain information.

By including basic directions up to very complex objectives within all titles, HearBuilder is quite thorough in truly focusing on all levels of a students’ listening, comprehension, and especially memory skills.

The Background Noise feature is very unique to HearBuilder. This could be especially beneficial to students diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder.

Plus, teachers of students with Hearing Impairments have indicated it’s a great way to assess student performance with and without the sound interference, especially students with cochlear implants.

HearBuilder is a cost effective supplemental instructional tool in which schools and classrooms don’t have to adjust their curriculum to use.

Listening, comprehension, and memory skills apply to ALL subjects being taught.

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