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HearBuilder helps strengthen following directions,
phonological awareness, auditory memory, and sequencing skills.

Choose An Instructional Target

General Education

General Education Classroom

Incorporating the HearBuilder Collection into the elementary language arts program:

  • Gives students the benefit of individualized practice with foundational literacy skills
  • Provides flexibility to use the software on a tablet, laptop or desktop in the classroom, in a computer lab, at home, or during after school programs
  • Supports students in meeting state and common core English Language Arts Standards
  • Enables educators to monitor individual practice with customized data reports

Special Education

Our scientific and evidenced based programs are an ideal supplement to special education curriculum.

  • Gives students the benefit of individualized practice with foundation literacy skills
  • Benefits exceptional students diagnosed with Speech & Language Disorders, Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Dyslexia, and hearing loss.
  • Supports students in meeting state and common core English
  • Enables educators to monitor individual practice with customized data reports
  • Provides data for IEP Reports and 504 Meetings
Girl with Hearing Aid
Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Our scientific and evidence-based programs serve as an important part of RTI in English Language Arts. The HearBuilder series:

  • Provides students in need of tier 2 or tier 3 RTI with intensive, customized practice to improve the foundational language arts skills with which they are struggling
  • Monitors student performance on each activity
  • Supports students in meeting state and common core English Language Arts standards
  • Offers flexibility to incorporate RTI in the classroom, computer lab, or in a specialist’s room with a tablet, laptop or desktop
  • Generate reports for administrators and educators to document and monitor progress

Title 1

Including the HearBuilder Collection as part of Title 1 program for English Language Arts:

  • Provides students with additional intensive instruction to supplement gaps in their language skills
  • Monitors student performance on each activity
  • Offers flexibility to include Title 1 support in the classroom, computer lab, or in a specialist’s room
  • Generates reports for administrators and educators to document and monitor progress
  • Helps students meet state and common core English Language Arts Standards
Title 1
English Language Learners

English Language Learners

Aligning with the goals of Title III: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigration Students, the HearBuilder Collection:

  • Includes individualized practice with perception of English phonemes
  • Provides training with listening in English
  • Delivers hierarchical content to enable students to build on their successes
  • Offers flexibility for students to use the software in the classroom, computer lab, or at home with a tablet, laptop or desktop
  • Generates clear reports for administrators and educators to document and monitor progress


Our scientific and evidenced based programs are ideal for teaching foundational literacy skills.

  • Monitors student performance on each activity
  • Provides students with additional intensive instruction to supplement gaps in their language skills
  • Helps students meet standards
  • Offers flexibility for students to use the software at home with a tablet, laptop, or desktop
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