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HearBuilder is an online software program for students PreK-8 that focuses on improving listening, auditory comprehension, and memory retrieval skills. It helps children build a strong foundation for literacy and reading.

The HearBuilder collection consists of four award-winning software titles: Following Directions, Phonological Awareness, Auditory Memory, and Sequencing.

HearBuilder gives students access to research-based, interactive programs by online subscription. Students can use the software on a tablet, laptop, or desktop in the classroom, media center, computer lab, and at home. Each program offers multi-level activities with progress monitoring reports for parents, educators and administrators to track student progress across grades, subgroups, and schools.

Program Skills
Following Directions Basic, Sequential, Quantitative & Spatial, Temporal and Conditional Directions
Phonological Awareness Sentence Segmentation, Syllable Blending, Syllable Segmentation, Rhyming, Phoneme Blending, Phoneme Segmentation & Identification, Phoneme Deletion, Phoneme Addition, Phoneme Manipulation
Auditory Memory Numbers, Words, Details, Auditory Closure, "WH" Questions
Sequencing Illustrations, Text and Audio Instructions, Stories
Software Feature Benefit
Listening Comprehension Intervention HearBuilder is designed to improve Foundational Skills for Listening and Comprehension applicable to learning in all subject areas.
Early Foundational Skills Intervention HearBuilder is an intervention upon early foundational skills and supplements all programs and curriculum that are currently being used in the school.
General Education, Special Education, Hearing-Impaired Students HearBuilder is easily implemented for students within the general education, special education, and hearing-impaired populations.
Background Noise HearBuilder features an option for Background Noise to be added to any level for increased auditory comprehension difficulty.

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Help your students build a foundation for success with our fun, evidence-based software collection today.

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